The Rise of the Kenyan Runner…

Its was over ten years ago that I set out to attempt my first ultra-marathon run – The Comrades Marathon; an 89.9 km race from Pietermaritzburg to Durban. My preparation for this race was nothing short of spectacular (or so I thought). I was averaging between 100-120...

Lessons From the Stepathlon Challenge

Its been merely ten days since I embarked on the Stepathlon Challenge, an initiative by a friend and colleague, Ravi Krishnan – CEO of Stepathlon. This isn’t the first challenge I’ve embarked on. As other ultra-marathon runners would know, we seek our thrills from...

Kabaddi – From the Locker Room

India’s oldest sport is fast becoming its biggest attraction. This high octane mix of tag and wrestle, packaged & served in 45 minutes, is taking over the airwaves. With a higher TRP’s (Television Rating Points) in its first week than the FIFA World Cup Finals,...

Staying Injury Free

Very often I’m asked, What is Sports Science? And my answer inadvertently is always, ‘its the difference between gold and silver.’ Its the scientific application that quantifies all those tiny variables that add up to the 0.5% that gives an athlete a competitive...

The Story of Supriya Mondal

In October 2012, at the INK Conference in Pune, I told the story of a young man who had a love for water and dream of one day representing his country. The story of young Supriya Mondal, a boy from a little fishing village outside Calcutta, left the curated audiences...