‘The music of a marathon is a powerful strain, one of those tunes of glory. It asks us to forsake pleasures, to discipline the body, to find courage, to renew faith and to become one’s own person, utterly and completely.’

There is nothing more tranquil than the serenity that accompanies running, the oneness of being and the retrospection within ones soul that is a by product of the solitude that is a necessity to master this aging art.
There is nothing rational about running. It is just an art or passion that manifests as a means to challenge our will to overcome adversity – the very fabric of our existence as humans.
For me, its been a source of creativity and the lifeline through which I channel those energies.
Some days are tough – hard on the body and harder on the mind. But when it gets tough, I usually think about those you would love the opportunity to do this simple art that I am about to take for granted.
That makes me run harder – for them
Cos I know they would have done the same for me.

To the runners of the world – Lets lace our shoes, take to the road and unite nations, one running step at a time….