Sports Consulting

With the sports and wellness industries exploding, investors and athletes are realizing the importance of creating sustainable models that cater to the long-term physical, mental, emotional & social needs of the athlete. I work with athletes, coaches, teams & organisations on creating developmental models that nurture talent & leave a lasting, positive impact on the society at large. Sport can change the moral fibre of a nation, and it starts with us believing.

The world’s best athletes have routines in preparation & competition that help them zone into the Optimal State of Mind for performance. This half day/ full day Master Class will help you unlock the Power of Consistency through a series of videos, presentations and interactive exercises and drills.

Master Class

Executive Coaching

The Executive Coaching Program is a bespoke senior management program that showcases that practical interventions and strategies used by the world’s most successful coaches to unlock performance, fast-track trust & accountability & build a culture of excellence. Like sport, the most successful business people need to sustain high performance in the face of ever-increasing pressure and a rapidly changing ecosystem. The marriage of mind, body and emotions is what allows the worlds best athletes to perceive pressure as a privilege & flourish in the most testing environments.

Execution rather than strategy is the key to a competitive advantage. In the world of sport, there is a fine line between good and great & that line is the masterful balance between brilliant strategy and clinical execution. My approach to storytelling combines two decades of locker-room learning, anecdotes & strategies to show you how champions handle that “Defining Moment”.
