Outcause Kili Cancer

In October 2012, I lead an expedition with nine brave OutCause Explorers. We summited the mighty Mt Kilimanjaro in an effort to raise an awareness in the ‘fight against cancer’ & to garner funds for the Karunashraya Cancer Hospice in Bangalore, India – a hospice...

KickStarter by Thom Ingram

The following is a poem I commissioned on KickStarter by Thom Ingram. I asked him to write a poem about a young athlete who has to persevere daily, to overcome adversity and find his place in the world. This A secret for the world son, there is none. And daughter, the...

Superfoods – the Key to Super-immunity

Shayamal’s Top 10 Super-foods If your New Years resolution involves getting fit, losing weight or eating healthily, my list of ‘super-foods’ may just be the secret you have been looking for. 1.The Berry Family: Strawberries, raspberries & blueberries are packed...

A New Dawn Brings a New Beginning…

a new dawn brings a new beginning…. (reflections of 2012) a.a milne once said…. good judgment come from experience, but experience comes from poor judgement. as much as i appreciate the brilliant works of milne, life has taught me a few things about experience…...