The Music of a Marathon

‘The music of a marathon is a powerful strain, one of those tunes of glory. It asks us to forsake pleasures, to discipline the body, to find courage, to renew faith and to become one’s own person, utterly and completely.’ There is nothing more tranquil than the...

From the Ink Conference in Pune

Sport has always played an integral role in my life. It has nurtured me and thought me many lessons. It has opened many doors and fostered many relationships. Sport is the reason I am who I am. I realize that it has given me the greatest gift anyone could ever ask for...

Quotes That Make the Soul Smile

These are a collection of my favourite quotes, gathered through a lifetime of experiences. For me, they make the soul smile… If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought. – Peace Pilgrim She stood in the storm, and when the...

A Tribute to All the Young Women in the World

There are some mornings you wake and think… Maybe I’ll have coffee instead of tea…. or toast instead of porridge…. There are mornings that look so glorious, it makes our souls smile… Sometimes those mornings make us want to be good people. Maybe do a few good deeds....