a new dawn brings a new beginning….
(reflections of 2012)

a.a milne once said…. good judgment come from experience, but experience comes from poor judgement.

as much as i appreciate the brilliant works of milne, life has taught me a few things about experience…
firstly, whilst experience instils confidence & reassures us of our abilities; its also the birthplace of fear… if you think about it, inexperience erases fear.. an inexperienced person doesn’t know what is and isn’t possible, therefore everything is possible.. and fear which is born out of experience, is our biggest stumbling block… the stumbling block that tells us to take the path of cautiousness over curiosity.. and the path that ensures our dreams never become a reality…

this year, like every other, had its highs and lows… moments that my smile and those that obviously made me cry… it brought people into my life who were either a blessing or their to teach me a lesson… both of which im grateful for…..
this year taught me that what actually defines me, cannot be quantified….
and that the greatest gift anyone can possess is humility….
this year taught me that sometimes best friends can become strangers just as easily as strangers can become best friends…
but more importantly, never judge – till you have walked a mile in their shoes…
this year taught me that giving up is not an option…
because not being prepared for an opportunity is way worse than not getting one..
this year taught me that if you want to be heard, you have to start listening….
and if you can’t accept what you can’t change, you absolutely have to change what you cant accept…
this year taught me that my friends are my family…
and my family are my friends….
finally – this year taught me that no matter what the circumstance – stand up for what you believe in – stand up for whats right – stand up, even if you standing alone….

to the brave girl who lost her life in delhi – thank you for waking up our nation to the plight of women.. thank you for uniting our nation… and thank you for showing me the meaning of courage and strength… you will forever hold a special place in my heart..

to mum & dad…. whose tireless encouragement & motivation has helped me live a life of dreams fulfilled… thank you

to team kili cancer – yudi, tara, kabir, maria, shallu, anish, vikram & ram… thank you for making that dream a reality… i love you guys.

to team playright – if life is a journey, you guys sure make the ride easier… i love you & thank you….

and to all my friends and well wishers… i love you

*** 2013 *** Here we go!!!!